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How To Write a Review

Discussion in 'Community Rules and Information' started by StaringAtStars, Oct 6, 2015.

How To Write a Review

Started by StaringAtStars on Oct 6, 2015 at 1:58 PM

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  1. StaringAtStars

    StaringAtStars Administrator

    Jan 26, 2015
    Trophy Points:
    Los Angeles, CA
    If you'd like to write a review for a product in the Database, then you will need to follow these easy steps below.

    How to Write a Review for AstronomyConnect.com Database
    1. Navigate to the Astronomy Connect Item Database and used the filter navigation to see items currently in our database you'd like to review. You may also search for the product here.


    2. On the individual product page you will see a link to "Write Review" located near the top of each page under the product name, click that link. After click the link you will be taken to a page with a form to review that product.


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