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Happy New Year Everyone

Discussion in 'Celestial Events' started by sojourneyer, Dec 27, 2023.

Happy New Year Everyone

Started by sojourneyer on Dec 27, 2023 at 6:31 PM

2 Replies 791 Views 0 Likes

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  1. sojourneyer

    sojourneyer Well-Known Member

    Oct 17, 2020
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    Gosh I sure hope skies start clearing up everywhere. Here the skies are clear some days but the moisture is so thick.

    I had my SCT out for a few hours to cool down and put a paper bag over it. When I went out the bag was drenched. Luckily there was no moisture on the corrector plate.
    I was able to use the scope for only about 15 min and took it inside.

    Now to the subject at hand.
    Over the past year there have been only 4 members active on this site which is a travesty--Gabby, Reggie, Ed and I. Nightspore has sadly gone the way of the wind. And Agena does nothing to support the site.
    I have reached out to moderators, etc to no avail. Neigh any response.

    This site is on its last heartbeats sadly.... we are the Last of the Mohicans.
  2. Ed D

    Ed D Well-Known Member

    Jan 12, 2017
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    Sunny South Florida

    Hopefully the next few months will bring clear skies and I can do some deep sky imaging.

    It really would be a shame for this site to go by way of the Do Do. I really like the laid back atmosphere and friendliness we have. If the heartbeat dies, where would we go? Please don't suggest Cloudy Nights! I joined in 2010 and haven't been active there in 5 or more years.

    If you look at the stats in the MEMBERS ONLINE NOW (right column) there are always a multitude of 'guests' lurking. Clicking on 'guests: xxx' shows what they are looking at. Maybe this is enough to justify keeping the site going?

    I did look at the Agena Astro home page and there is a link to Astronomy Connect, but that's it, no other info. If there would be just a brief mention of what Astronomy Connect is maybe we could attract some new blood.
    Last edited: Dec 28, 2023
    sojourneyer likes this.
  3. sojourneyer

    sojourneyer Well-Known Member

    Oct 17, 2020
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    I do not understand how to see what guests are looking at. Could you provide me more help in that regard?
    I concur with your comment regarding Agena Castro promoting this website.

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